Living life bigger

Blog Published:

Sr. Schola Mutua reflects on why she stays in religious life.

Sr. Schola Mutua along with a sister from another community and a priest

The school of love

Blog Published:

Living in community sparks the joy that comes from learning how to love and be loved.

Sr Vicenta Javier and her community

Eternal companions on the journey
Podcast Recorded:

Each sister’s vocation – past, present, and future – is a celebration and a vindication of every other sister’s YES to God’s call. Sister Ana Gonzalez explains.


When your family doesn't understand
Podcast Recorded:

Before she entered religious life, Sister Ana Gonzalez had a tough time convincing her mom it was the right choice. Discover what changed her mom’s mind!

family discussion

AS240 Ask Sister: Are nuns prayer professionals, how can I keep up on the faith journey, why does this commercial bug me?
Podcast Recorded:

Join Sister Shannon and Sister Maxine for lively conversation in response to listener questions! Topics: Are nuns prayer professionals, how can I keep up on the faith journey, why does this commercial bug me?