How do I pray prayers like the Rosary without losing concentration?

Blog Published:

Annabel sent us an email and asked us a question that I know I've tangled with too: How do I successfully pray the Rosary without losing concentration?

Praying the Rosary

AS150 Ask Sister - Fave Advent readings, adieu to the pew, conflict in the convent, no results from the rosary
Podcast Recorded:

AS150 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on December 18, 2013.

What should I do when my prayers seem to go unanswered?
Podcast Recorded:

This Random Nun Clip is from Ask Sister podcast episode 150. Hear the full podcast at AS150.

Why don't I get results when I pray the rosary?
Podcast Recorded:

A listener wonders why God doesn’t give her the answers she seeks when she prays the rosary. The Nuns discuss!

hand holding habit rosary

AS132 Ask Sister - a Lenten Rosary, scared of God's call, can repentant sinners join religious life?
Podcast Recorded:

AS132 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on March 6, 2013.