On holy ground

Blog Published:

Sister Audra Turnbull, IHM, shares her her path has crossed with Father Augustus Tolton -- the first US-born African-American priest -- and what she has learned from his journey.

unlabeled white wooden crosses mark the anonymous graves of slaves

Living life bigger

Blog Published:

Sr. Schola Mutua reflects on why she stays in religious life.

Sr. Schola Mutua along with a sister from another community and a priest

What can be done when you widen your community?

Blog Published:

What can be done when we widen our community, when we take care of each, and when we share with one another?

Working in a community garden

AS241 Ask Sister: What does the Bible say about student loan forgiveness, can a woman with a life-threatening allergy become a nun, how do I know if I’m a believer or not?

Podcast Recorded:

Podcast hosts: Sister Shannon, OSF, and Sister Maxine, IHM. Topics: What does the Bible say about student loan forgiveness, can a woman with a life-threatening allergy become a nun, how do I know if I’m a believer or not?


Sister Max and Sister Shannon

If I have doubts, does that mean I'm not a believer?

Podcast Recorded:

A listener says she wants to believe in God, but intense doubts are preventing it. The Nuns share their thoughts on faith and doubt.



woman is thinking deeply