The strength of the human spirit
Podcast Recorded:

From her immigration law clients, Sister Sharlet Wagner learned about the enduring power of faith and hope.

girl looks out from behind bars but appears hopeful

Transformative Gratitude

Blog Published:

Once we discover and develop a stance of deep gratitude for God’s gifts, it is then that we are transformed into goodness and beauty.

Transformative Gratitude Blog

Actively caring for the Earth with spiritual motivation

Blog Published:

Pope Francis calls us to become aware of and dare to turn what is happening to the world into our own personal suffering and, in so doing, discover what each of us can do about it. Like the young boy in the story, we have dared to let the pain of our Mother Earth penetrate our hearts.

Caring for the earth blog

The power of coalition
Podcast Recorded:

Sister Richelle Friedman, Director of Public Policy at the Coalition on Human Needs, in Washington, D.C., explains how working in coalition results in great progress in making our society, and our world, a better place. Hear the full In Good Faith episode IGF043 at A transcript of this podcast is available below.

policy achievements

Finding Grace in the Moments

Blog Published:

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered people's lives in unimaginable ways, but finding God's grace in the day-to-day moments can help get us through this challenging time.