What youth need to stay "in" the church

Blog Published:

Young adults have grown up in a very different world. They long to connect with Jesus, church and with each other, as do the rest of us.

AS212 Ask Sister - Motherhouse Road Trip with the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon

Podcast Recorded:

Sr. Maxine and guests: Srs. Krista and Adele, SSMO. Topics: encounters with God, sports at the convent, spirituality for everyday life, and more!

Blessings for a faith-filled future

Podcast Recorded:

In this Random Nun Clip, the sisters offer a blessing for students as they look to the future. Hear the full Ask Sister episode AS212 at aNunsLife.org.

AS211 Ask Sister - evangelization café, the afterlife, why be a nun (or not), can faith sneak up on you

Podcast Recorded:

Sister Maxine with guest Sisters Felicity and Shelley, CSSF. Topics: evangelization café, the afterlife, why be a nun, can faith sneak up on you

Balance. Blurriness.

Blog Published:

How do I balance this ache in my heart for those suffering in the world with my need to move forward day-to-day? In the wake of tragedy, personally or globally, this is the blurry balance we are asked to make each day. How do you deal with it?