What can you do for Lent?
In conversation with Sister Mary Jane Hahner, CSFN, and students from the University of Notre Dame, the Nuns discuss ideas of what to do for Lent.
Celebrating Epiphany
Jeff Young, the Catholic Foodie, talks about Epiphany, king cakes, and Mardi Gras season.
AS050 Ask Sister – Special Edition: Thanksgiving
AS050 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on November 26, 2010. Sponsored by aNunsLife.org ministry. Special Thanksgiving Edition. Topics include: festive meals, turkey sound effects, recipes, prayers, our favorite Thanksgiving stories, gratitude, and more!
What are you thankful for on this Thanksgiving holiday?
In this Random Nun Clip, the nuns reflect on gratitude--and a surprise guest shows up! Hear the full Ask Sister podcast at AS050 on our website at aNunsLife.org.
AS026 Ask Sister – adoration, spiritual direction, daily nun life, associates, holy days, genuflecting, and more!
AS026 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on May 21, 2010. Sponsored by aNunsLife.org ministry. Topics include: adoration, prayer, spiritual direction, daily nun life, associates, holy days, genuflecting, cleaning and cooking in the convent, and more!