Staying alive

Blog Published:

Working the suicide prevention hotline is intense, but S. Réjane Cytacki sticks with it so she can truly help someone in need.

a man walks by himself across a dark space

The school of love

Blog Published:

Living in community sparks the joy that comes from learning how to love and be loved.

Sr Vicenta Javier and her community

Evolving and expanding
Podcast Recorded:

Sister Pat Crowley entered St. Scholastica Monastery before Vatican II – and was part of the community when changes resulting from the Council were implemented. She shares how her community’s life evolved and expanded in this short podcast.


Rebuilding a family
Podcast Recorded:

How do young women seeking asylum in the United States end up at Bethany House of Hospitality – and what happens to them from there? Sister Pat Crowley shares some stories.

sisters embrace

Unity in community

Blog Published:

Peace in our world can only come when we nurture peace within ourselves.

candles burning inside a church