How can I make Advent more meaningful?
Podcast Recorded:

We talk about the Advent tradition and how to engage more fully in the spirit of the season.This Random Nun Clip is from the webinar "Engaging Advent," with Sister Candyce Rekart. Watch the full webinar at

How does talking with others enrich one's own image of God?
Podcast Recorded:

This Random Nun Clip is from In Good Faith episode 37 with our guest, Sister Maureen Fiedler, SL, of the public radio show Interfaith Voices. Hear the full podcast at IGF037.

Small Moments to Choose Life

Blog Published:

8:07 a.m. I always seem to pick the rainiest days to ride to work. A Nun's Life Ministry HQ is not far from the convent.

When Odious Idols Get the Best of Us

Blog Published:

The Office of Readings are a little rough today. I should know better than to expect warm and fuzzy from a prophet.

AS175 Ask Sister - are there goth nuns, spirituality of darkness, Internet ups and downs, and more!
Podcast Recorded:

AS175 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on August 15, 2015. Sponsored by ministry. Topics include: are there goth nuns, spirituality of darkness, Internet ups and downs, and more!