One of the places that I encounter God is in nature, God’s good creation. Early morning bike rides are a way for me to immerse myself in the beauty of the natural world, to feel at one with it. Thought you might like to come along for the ride, via the NunCam.
Where are some of the places that you are most at peace, where God is most present to you?
We’d love to hear from you and chat about the places that you are most at peace, where God is most present to you. Comment below!
Archived Comments
Cherylene August 11, 2010 at 8:41 am
I like to connect with God at the beach.. listening to the waves crash upon the shore. The power of the sea akin to that of God, so mighty that it can smooth out the rocks yet gentle enough to create the shoreline.
Sister Julie August 11, 2010 at 9:08 am
For me, to continue the nature theme, I absolutely love being in a forest, especially if it’s in mountains!
JoyceElaine August 11, 2010 at 9:51 am
I find God sitting with my Grandma and the dog on the couch, just sitting. I also find God in the kind hearts of people around me, and from their words, in myself.
Sister Maxine August 11, 2010 at 10:14 am
The beach, the forest, and the beagle — and of course the people of God. All great places to encounter Christ!
marla August 11, 2010 at 11:28 am
i’ll chime in on the beach theme. the power of the water i liken to the power of god. when i see the ocean, i know the power of god. when i hear the ocean, i am comforted by god. the constancy of the waves reminds me of god’s faithfulness. other than that, i am most likely to encounter god in other people.
Joyce August 11, 2010 at 1:31 pm
Pretty cool video, Sister Max. I remember riding my bike as a kid up the hills to the top of the city where I could see everywhere; Summit Lake, the rolling hills of Akron, Ohio, the praires and especially the thousands of trees dotting this panoramic view. I would sit for long minutes pondering this great view of God’s creation and being in awe. In the meantime the sun would slither slowly beyond the horizon and cover me with such great peace. Thanks, for bringing that memory to the foreground, Sister Max.
Kathleen August 11, 2010 at 3:34 pm
Hi Sister Maxine, I enjoyed the bike ride with you today. I’m guessing it was a first for the police to see someone riding a bike with a camera on their helmet. Probably be even funnier if he knew you were a Sister taking folks on a blog bike ride. Thanks for sharing the experience.
Borrowing a line from song in play/movie “Sound of Music” … “These are a few of my favorite things” (places that I encounter God) …
Sitting in the peace of our little chapel during Adoration to praise/adore/thank God, have a little chat and listen to whatever God chooses to share … is one of my favorite encounters.
Another fave is during morning Prayer/Meditation. I picture myself near water … a brook where I can let the barges (problems, worries, stress) pass by or on the beach where the ocean waves roll back and forth on the sand, I just sit in peace and chat with/listen to God. Have to give credit to my Spiritual Director (just happens to be an IHM) for suggesting water scenarios for meditation.
Yet another fave is during my evening walks, which I usually take after participating in A Nun’s Life podcasts. I meet/chat with many neighbors who also go for walks. I marvel at God’s creation … people, trees, flowers, sunsets, birds of many colors and voices, rabbits, deer etc. My senses are truly awakened … sight, sound, smell, touch.
Our God is truly and an awesome God.
Clare August 11, 2010 at 4:39 pm
Sometime’s I find, finding God is a race to get him when he is around! But when you sit back and think about it….
God is in the most difficult of situations of everyday. He comes to help calm you in times of distress.
But to me he is in a few more places too!
He is in every inch of land that stretches around Bolton Abbey. Even when you think he had gone, you go there and he is waiting, you just realise he had gone ahead!
God is present in my college, through the kind hug of a friend who hadn’t seen you all weekend, the “hello” off another student you didn’t even notice before, the offer of help off a lecture who you know is up to their tonsils with work but knows your stressing out too or the smile and welcome off the dinner ladies on your way for your morning cup of tea. God many not be in the chapel sometimes when you want him to be but he is in other things that you take for granted.
But God is always present, I tell myself, I just need to keep my eyes open instead of walking around in the dark.
LeeAnn August 11, 2010 at 5:34 pm
Loved the nun cam! And the bike ride. That was cool. I love to sit in my back yard by the ornamental fish pond with my dogs and my chickens. Its my favorite place.
Jeannie August 12, 2010 at 6:35 am
I see God in the children I teach everyday. I feel him in the salt spray of the ocean and I hear him in music. He is amazingly everywhere. Miss you all. Hugs. Jeannie