AS200 Ask Sister podcast recorded live with the Poor Clares in Great Falls, Montana. See the Motherhouse Road Trip page for photos, travel journal and more!
(2:30) Epic move from East to West to establish the only monastery in Montana.
(7:00) The contemplative, cloistered life.
(8:72) Daily prayer schedule.
(10:37) How outer landscape of Montana affects inner life of Poor Clares.
(12:10) Listener question: how complete is your enclosure—do you go out of the monastery much, and do other people come in?
(16:26) Prayer as the bond of community.
(22:00) Sharing concerns, struggles, and joys with God.
(26:00) Listener question: Isn’t it hard to live with the same people all the time?
(31:00) Helpful resources: Books by Ilia Delio,OSF, Clare of Assisi: A Heart Full of Love and Franciscan Prayer.
(33:36) Listener question: If I ask a lot of people to pray for me, will God hear the prayers better?
(37:30) Listener question: I feel called by God—I’m scared but also can’t hold out.
(39:00) The great adventure of religious life.
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Left/Top: Sister Jane Sorenson, OSC, entered the Poor Clares in the Bronx, NY, in 1985. When sisters were being sought to begin a new foundation of Poor Clares in Montana, she volunteered. Sister Jane currently serves as the Abbess, and since 1999 has served as sacristan in the chapel. She initially was a member of the Sisters of St. Agnes, where she professed vows in 1967. She ministered as a teacher for a number of years before discerning a call to life as a Poor Clare.
Right/Bottom: Sister Catherine Cook, OSC, was born in Washington, D.C., and entered the Poor Clares at age 18. Prior to her arrival in Great Falls, Montana, to begin the new foundation, she lived in monasteries in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. She has discovered that life in the “Wild” West is very different from the East Coast and she has fallen in love with this mission territory. Sister Catherine has a passion for reading and enjoys baking, crocheting, gardening and crafts. She currently serves as the congregation’s secretary.