In conversation with Sister Julianna Vagnozzi, CSSF, the Nuns discuss what solidarity really is – and what it can look like during Lent.
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Sister Rejane
This Random Nun Clip is brought to you by A Nun's Life Ministry.
Sister Julianna
In the Archdiocese of Santa Fe every year they have 100-mile pilgrimage for vocations every. Five groups come from different parts of the Diocese and walk to Chimayo. They walk 20 miles a day. Some of our younger sisters have walked this. In fact, one of our postulants is the direct product of the pilgrimage. I think she's made five or six herself. But the sisters in the hallway, where some of the retired sisters that live in my convent here -- they were walking the hallways in solidarity. I walked the main corridor all the way around our house, and it was 400 steps. So they were to count how many laps they made. And if they couldn't walk, then they let their fingers do the walking and prayed the rosary. So at the closing Mass with the archbishop, I presented him with a scroll that said that our sisters, some of whom are in their 90s, who participated, walked 280,000 steps for vocations and said 44 rosaries, while those young men and women were walking deserts and mountains of New Mexico. So my sisters here in that picture are walking in solidarity with the pilgrims.
Sister Julie
That's amazing. You know, what solidarity means -- it doesn't necessarily mean having to be right there. But making choices to show that you are united with others. It's amazing what they did.
Sister Julianna
That's like our solidarity program. Right now our provincial minister asked us to be in solidarity with her. She's trying to lose weight. So every Wednesday of Lent, we do a weigh-in and we count the number of pounds we've lost and we send the number to her. The province will donate $1 a pound to our sisters working in our missions in the Amazon. So far, my house has made $8.60. So we'll see what next week brings. I don't know what we've done provincial-wise. But that's another thing of being in solidarity. [laughter] Not that Lent is the Catholic diet season. [laughter] But you know, it was just a good example.
Sister Julie
So what is your provincial minister going to do in the Easter season, when people are celebrating the resurrection? Will people donate money for every pound you put on because of the celebrations going on?
Sister Julianna
Well, that'd be nice to find somebody to do matching funds -- are you offering? [laughter] Hopefully we'll all be taking in our skirts, you know?
Sister Julie
Yeah, really.
Sister Rejane
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