Nun on Red Carpet: Mother Dolores Hart

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What’s a cloistered nun like you doing at an awards show like this? That was the question on many a star’s mind last night.

IGF006 In Good Faith with Sister Laurel O’Neal, diocesan hermit
Podcast Recorded:

IGF006 In Good Faith with Sister Laurel O’Neal, a diocesan hermit, recorded live on February 3, 2011. Produced by ministry. Our hosts talk with Sister Laurel about about the life of a hermit, eremitical solitude, chronic illness, and more!

AS056 Ask Sister – worldly Benedictine monastics, godly anger, dilemma for a Catholic-Protestant couple, not feeling called
Podcast Recorded:

AS056 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on January 14, 2011. Sponsored by ministry. Topics include: Benedictine monastics outside the monastery, godly anger, church-going dilemma for a Catholic-Protestant couple, not feeling called, and more!

NUNDAY Benedictine Women of Madison

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This past weekend, Sister Maxine and I stayed with the Benedictine Women of Madison at Holy Wisdom Monastery in Madison, Wisconsin. It was a delight to be with the sisters and with the wonderful community of oblates, retreatants, coworkers, and members of the Sunday assembly. The monastery grounds held so much beauty too — trees, trails, hills, and critters!

NUNDAY Sister Charlotte Sonneville, OSB

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Today’s Nunday photo is from Susan, a Lutheran seminarian and oblate of the Sisters of Saint Scholastica in Chicago. (Yes, you can be an oblate or associate of a Catholic religious community and not be Catholic!)