How can I hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to me?
Podcast Recorded:
Young woman looks out at the sunset, thinking.

Of boyfriends and religious vocations
Podcast Recorded:

Can a girl's boyfriend help her discern a calling to religious life? Sister Mattie Sterner shares her experience!

A boyfriend and girlfriend speak together seriously.

The Discernment Chart

A Discernment Chart is a graphical way to sketch out where we are with a decision we have to make. The chart can help in seeing where we are drawn, what direction seems most fulfilling, and what steps we need to take.

A Nun's Life

The nuns discern Sister Julie's calling to be an astronaut?!
Podcast Recorded:

In this Random Nun Clip, the nuns discern Sister Julie's call to become an astronaut. Hear the full Ask Sister podcast at AS186 on our website

The road to religious life
Podcast Recorded:

There is no single road to religious life. The Nuns share their vocation journeys!

a curve in a road