What does God's voice sound like?

Blog Published:

When we spend time with God regularly we begin to become attuned to God’s voice, and slowly over time we learn the nuance of that voice.

What does God's voice sound like?

Does discernment ever end?

Blog Published:

Some discernments have a specific question with a necessary final decision, and some are more about day to day living.

How can I muster up the courage to pursue religious life?

Blog Published:

We can all be intimidated by or swept away by the strong current of society’s idea of what we should do, be, or look like. 

A {Real Life} Vocation Prayer

Blog Published:

Life is real, so is prayer. Join us in praying A {Real Life} Vocation Prayer, and please share with others in honor of National Vocation Awareness Week!

What's the up-side of discernment?

Podcast Recorded:

Discernment can be very challenging -- but it isn't only hard work. The Nuns discuss the very big up-sides of the discernment process.

woman looks out at sunset