How can I move beyond fear so I can respond to God's call?

Blog Published:

Remember Jesus’ powerful words in the Gospel of Mark when he heals Jairus’ daughter: “Fear is useless. What is needed is trust.”

How can I respond to God's call when I'm afraid of where God might be leading me?

Blog Published:

Ah, dear Seeker, I believe your question about responding to God's call despite being afraid is one that God hears quite often—and one that tugs at God’s heartstrings!

The-Burning-Bush-afraid of God's calling

AS171 Ask Sister - Motherhouse Road Trip with the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Hamden, Connecticut
Podcast Recorded:

AS171 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on May 15, 2015. Sponsored by Ministry. Motherhouse Road Trip with the Apostles of the Sacred Heart, Hamden, Connecticut.

Is it too bold to ask God, “Hey where should I be going?”

Blog Published:

I just LOVE this question from an online visitor! I say be as bold as possible with God!! How can we have a REAL relationship with someone if we can’t be honest and say what’s on our mind?

AS170 Ask Sister - Motherhouse Road Trip with the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, Rosemont, Pennsylvania
Podcast Recorded:

AS170 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on April 24, 2015. Sponsored by ministry. Motherhouse Road Trip with the Society of the Holy Child Jesus-American Province, Rosemont, Pennsylvania.