We are called to serve the risen Christ

Blog Published:

Easter is a renewed call to serve the risen Christ as we accompany God's people.

he is risen

Instead of giving up something for Lent, could I take something up?

Podcast Recorded:

A listener wonders if, instead of giving up chocolate or soda for Lent, she could do something extra – like clean the bathroom, so her mom doesn’t have to. What are the best Lenten practices? The Nuns discuss!

A person is cleaning the bathroom

Does Jesus know the Easter Bunny and Santa? Tis the season for kids’ questions!

Podcast Recorded:

A parent wonders what to say when the kids ask tough questions about the Easter Bunny vs. Jesus. Hear the full Ask Sister episode AS234 at aNunsLife.org. Hosts: Sister Maxine and Sister Shannon.


Does Jesus know the Easter Bunny and Santa

How do you keep your faith and bolster it in others?

Blog Published:

"Go out into nature and breathe, because creation is a soothing balm for anxious bodies." The noisy worlds in which we coexist with nature too often drown out the sounds and music of nature.

Keeping Faith - A Nun's Life Ministry

Keeping Easter fresh

Blog Published:

Easter can be predictable with the pastel colors, chocolate, and usual activities at church. But if that’s how we look at it every year, how do we keep Easter, the Paschal Mystery, the source and summit of our faith, fresh?