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Reflecting on the Holy Week journey into darkness and the walk with Jesus into the Easter light!

Holy Week Playlist

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As we continue with anticipation towards Easter, we invite you to pray through Holy Week using these songs.

Holy Week ~ PRESENCE

How fickle can humanity be?! We go from courageously promising our friendship to fearfully running away at Jesus' most critical time.

Holy Week - Presence

How can being present to life’s sufferings and challenges be transforming?

In this #Nunday video, Sister Columbia Fernandez, OP, shares her thoughts on the power of presence and how sharing that gift is transforming for her and for those she reaches out to.

Nunday video-Sister Columbia Fernandez, OP

Lent—radical humility

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Jesus did not remain on the cross nor could the grave contain him. Love concurs all! He rose from death and lives among us. Easter Sunday is not the end of Easter but the beginning of our transformed choices, behaviors and new life in Christ.