NUNDAY Sister Marcia Hall, OSP

Blog Published:

Nunday is here! And we’ve got some cool stuff today. The Oblate Sisters of Providence are featured in the December 2008 issue of Ebony magazine! RUN, don’t walk, to your nearest convenience store and pick up a copy! The story and photos are fabulous.

Oblate Sisters of Providence

Trip Date:

Catch all the action from our trip to the Oblate Sisters in Baltimore, Maryland—travel journal, photos, podcast, and more—here on the Motherhouse Road Trip travel page!

Motherhouse Roadtrip

The nuns address spatial racism

Blog Published:

I spent part of the weekend at our IHM Motherhouse for a webinar symposium on Spatial Racism. I was grateful for the opportunity to learn more about spatial racism as I had little familiarity with it. The symposium was offered through the "Undoing Racisim" committee ...

What is a day in the life of a sister like?

Blog Published:

Question: "I was wondering if you would be interested in describing what your day is like. If you consider this an intrusion, please feel free to ignore it."