How long does it take to discern a call to religious life, and what are some things to consider along the way?
This Random Nun Clip is from our Motherhouse Road Trip Podcast with the Oblate Sisters of Providence in Baltimore, Maryland. Hear the full podcast at AS156.
I have some good ideas for my life, but want to be open to where God is calling me. Any advice?
In this Random Nun Clip, we talk with Sister Annette and Sister Carmen about ways to discern God's call in our life--even when we have our own good ideas of how our life should be! Hear the full podcast at AS154.
Is there a wrong way to discern?
A listener wonders how to distinguish between what she wants and what God wants for her. The Nuns have suggestions!
What can I do to discern better?
A listener wonders how she can sharpen her discernment skills. The Nuns have tips!
Why don't I get results when I pray the rosary?
A listener wonders why God doesn’t give her the answers she seeks when she prays the rosary. The Nuns discuss!