Lent: desert and/or dessert?

Blog Published:

Mardi Gras is here and that means it is Catholic party time! Enjoy the day, but don’t forget the best part of the part — the desert! Or is it the dessert?!

Finding God in the midst of suffering

Podcast Recorded:

Why does a loving God allow suffering? The Nuns address this eternal question.

woman crouches on floor, hiding her face

AS071 Ask Sister – Lady Gaga and Judas, blessed and cursed, dieting and Eucharist, and more!

Podcast Recorded:

AS071 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on May 11, 2011. Sponsored by aNunsLife.org ministry. Topics include: Lady Gaga and Judas, blessed and cursed, dieting and Eucharist, and more!

The blessing of a scapular

Podcast Recorded:

In conversation with the Racine Dominicans, the Nuns discuss DIY scapulars, Purgatory, and indulgences.

brown scapular

What are social justice Stations of the Cross?

Podcast Recorded:

In this Random Nun Clip, we talk with the Racine Dominicans about the Good Friday Walk for Justice. Hear the full Ask Sister podcast episode at AS068.