I NEED SILENCE, shouts the nun!

Blog Published:

I have been thinking a lot about silence during these days of Lent, and soberly realizing how little I have of it.

AS064 Ask Sister – confession and reconciliation, chapel veils, Lent, a real nun on the set of Sister Act II, and more!

Podcast Recorded:

AS064 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on March 18, 2011. Sponsored by aNunsLife.org ministry. Guest: Sister Julianna Vagnozzi, CSSF. Topics include: confession and reconciliation, chapel veils, Lent, a real nun on the set of Sister Act II, and more!

What is Lenten solidarity?

Podcast Recorded:

In conversation with Sister Julianna Vagnozzi, CSSF, the Nuns discuss what solidarity really is – and what it can look like during Lent.

women wearing ash on her forehead

Lent, Repent, Reinvent

Blog Published:

Traditionally, Lent has been a time of “repentance.” It is not a time for guilt-inducement, to think about all the things we’ve done wrong or could have done better and feel bad.

Rays of the sunrise shine amid clouds

AS062 Ask Sister – live from the University of Notre Dame, with questions about common v. personal prayer, spiritual poverty, preparing for Lent, ways to pray, and prayer and healing

Podcast Recorded:

AS062 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on March 4, 2011. Sponsored by aNunsLife.org ministry. Guest: Sister Mary Jane Hahner, CSFN. Topics: common v. personal prayer, spiritual poverty, preparing for Lent, ways to pray,  prayer and healing