How to tell if you have a religious vocation
Podcast Recorded:

Women are always asking Sister Mary Michael Fox, "How can I be sure if I have a religious vocation?" Find out Sister's simple strategy to get the answer.

A smiling woman prays next to a sunny window

Love transforms the unlovable
Podcast Recorded:

In Confession, a priest once gave Sister Mary Michael Fox the penance of asking Jesus to love in her what she found unlovable. Unlock the power of this incredible prayer.

Jesus holds the hand of a woman kneeling before him

What advice would you give someone discerning a call to religious life?

See how Sister Barbara O'Kane uses the acronym P.R.A.Y. for discerners considering religious life.

Grace on stage
Podcast Recorded:

What does acting have to do with the Incarnation? Sister Violaine Paradis explains!

an actress peeks out from behind the stage curtains

When she felt the love of God
Podcast Recorded:

When Violaine Paradis couldn't decided what to do with her life, prayer, silence, and a comic book led her to a place where she could feel God's love.

a woman sits alone with her thoughts