Our lives are mission: a reflection on Pope Francis' call to holiness

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Gaudete et Exsultate is about a call to personal holiness, about finding God in practical ways in everyday life, by doing ordinary things. The entirety of life is mission--how do you see your life as a mission from God?

Change of seasons--change of heart!

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The power to change your life lies within you--so how can you make your list of resolutions into a list of thanksgiving? 

4th Sunday of Advent

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In what ways are you open to the presence of holiness in your life?

Living By The Rule

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Do rules make us or break us? Read Sister Belinda's latest blog about how the Rule of St. Benedict has shaped her understanding of religious life.

3rd Sunday of Advent

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As we go about doing ordinary “good works” and making our kindness known to everyone, we open ourselves to knowing that God is truly near and in this way we have much cause for rejoicing.