Women entering religious communities with and without habits

Blog Published:

For the past few years a lot of misinformation has been spread asserting that only “traditional” communities whose sisters wear the habit have been receiving new vocations, while religious communities whose sisters do not wear the habit are “dying out.” Typically this misinformation is accompanied by rather equally untrue and rather uncharitable claims regarding Catholic sisters and nuns who do not wear a habit.

IGF008 In Good Faith with Dr. Bren Ortega Murphy

Podcast Recorded:

IGF008 In Good Faith with Bren Ortega Murphy, PhD, recorded live on April 12, 2011. Produced by aNunsLife.org ministry. The nuns talk with Prof. Murphy about nun images in popular culture, such as Nunzilla, Boxing Nuns, movie nuns and more!

IGF008 Podcast with Dr. Bren Ortega Murphy

AS064 Ask Sister – confession and reconciliation, chapel veils, Lent, a real nun on the set of Sister Act II, and more!

Podcast Recorded:

AS064 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on March 18, 2011. Sponsored by aNunsLife.org ministry. Guest: Sister Julianna Vagnozzi, CSSF. Topics include: confession and reconciliation, chapel veils, Lent, a real nun on the set of Sister Act II, and more!

What's the nun stance on veiling and mantillas at Mass?

Podcast Recorded:

This Random Nun Clip is from Ask Sister podcast episode 64. Hear the full podcast at AS064.

AS055 Ask Sister – nun eating habits, ordering pizza, cultivating mindfulness, making and breaking vows, four-week psalter

Podcast Recorded:

AS055 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on January 7, 2011. Sponsored by aNunsLife.org ministry. Topics include:nun eating habits, ordering pizza, cultivating mindfulness in daily life, making and breaking religious vows, the four-week psalter, and more!