Scripture Birthday Blessings

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Sister Maxine's sister was one of the birthday celebrands and when they were talking, she noted that on her birthday -- 3/16 -- she always remembers the inspiring verse from the Gospel of Saint John 3:16 ... So we wondered, what scripture verse correlates to our birthdays?

"Turn our sorrow into wholeness"

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Queen Esther rocks the scripture reading today! I love the stories about women in the scripture, and Esther’s is action-packed.


Your words, O Lord, are Spirit and Life

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In this first full week of Lent, the readings lay out a path for our whole lives. First, we have the Ten Commandments in Leviticus and in the Gospel of Matthew; Jesus tells us what we must do to inherit the kingdom ...

What is Theological Reflection?

Theological reflection is a way of doing theology that starts from the experiences of life and leads to searching in faith, for deeper meaning, and for the living God.

A Nun's Life

How to Do Theological Reflection

A Nun's Life Ministry developed this guide for those seeking a way to engage with news stories, blog posts, editorials, commentary, etc. in a reflective, prayerful manner that takes account of faith, experience, and context.

A Nun's Life