The grace of seeing what’s right in front of us

Blog Published:

At first glance, the photo in this post shows an ordinary tree in winter. No leaves. Some snow. Grayish sky in the background. But when I neared the tree, I saw robins! Lots of them!



AS122 Ask Sister – when theologies collide, faithful to church teaching, tough questions from nun naysayers, God the gatekeeper, and more!
Podcast Recorded:

AS122 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on November 14, 2012. Sponsored by ministry. Topics include: when theologies collide, faithful to church teaching, tough questions from nun naysayers, God the gatekeeper, and more!

AS121 Ask Sister – too soon to talk vocation, clairvoyant scripture, biggest challenges that nuns face, and more!
Podcast Recorded:

AS121 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on October 17, 2012. Sponsored by ministry. Topics include: too soon to talk vocation, clairvoyant scripture, biggest challenges that nuns face, transformation, and more!

Can Jesus tell us what to do through a bible passage that we randomly select?
Podcast Recorded:

This clip is from our Ask Sister podcast episode 121. Hear the full podcast at AS121.

IGF021 In Good Faith with Joe Paprocki, on the New Evangelization
Podcast Recorded:

Here to talk with us about the New Evangelization and what it means in our every day life is Joe Paprocki, who has been involved in catechetical ministry for over 30 years.