AS097 Ask Sister – Travel troubles for road nun, Christian feminists-do they really exist, building the kingdom of God locally
AS097 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on January 5, 2012. Sponsored by ministry. Topics include: travel troubles for road nun, Christian feminists – do they really exist?, building the kingdom of God locally and more!
AS096 Ask Sister – run-ins with the Blessed Virgin Mary, hanging on to pre-Vatican II stuff, adopt-a-nun, and more
AS096 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on December 29, 2011. Sponsored by ministry. Topics include: run-ins with the Blessed Virgin Mary, hanging on to pre-Vatican II stuff, adopt-a-nun, how to know and respond when God is calling, and more!
AS095 Ask Sister – the nature of grace, renouncing things one never had, nunly vows, my church NO my church!
AS095 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on December 8, 2011. Sponsored by ministry. Topics include: nature and theology of grace, renouncing things one never had, nun vows, the Trinity as two men and a hen?, my church NO my church!, and more!
IGF011 In Good Faith with Father Anthony Gittins
IGF011 In Good Faith with Father Anthony Gittins, recorded live on December 1, 2011. Produced by Ministry. Topics include mission, evangelization, discipleship, and liberation; magisterium and ministerium of the Church; discernment and more!
AS093 Ask Sister – Special Edition on Saints, holiness, and joy with guests Sister Sandra Schneiders and Father James Martin
AS093 Ask Sister podcast published on November 24, 2011. Sponsored by ministry. This is a Special Edition on Saints, holiness, and joy. The nuns are joined by Catholic superstars Sister Sandra Schneiders, IHM, and Father James Martin, SJ.