AS097 Ask Sister – Travel troubles for road nun, Christian feminists-do they really exist, building the kingdom of God locally
Podcast Recorded:

AS097 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on January 5, 2012. Sponsored by ministry. Topics include: travel troubles for road nun, Christian feminists – do they really exist?, building the kingdom of God locally and more!

AS096 Ask Sister – run-ins with the Blessed Virgin Mary, hanging on to pre-Vatican II stuff, adopt-a-nun, and more
Podcast Recorded:

AS096 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on December 29, 2011. Sponsored by ministry. Topics include: run-ins with the Blessed Virgin Mary, hanging on to pre-Vatican II stuff, adopt-a-nun, how to know and respond when God is calling, and more!

AS095 Ask Sister – the nature of grace, renouncing things one never had, nunly vows, my church NO my church!
Podcast Recorded:

AS095 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on December 8, 2011. Sponsored by ministry. Topics include: nature and theology of grace, renouncing things one never had, nun vows, the Trinity as two men and a hen?, my church NO my church!, and more!

IGF011 In Good Faith with Father Anthony Gittins
Podcast Recorded:

IGF011 In Good Faith with Father Anthony Gittins, recorded live on December 1, 2011. Produced by Ministry. Topics include mission, evangelization, discipleship, and liberation; magisterium and ministerium of the Church; discernment and more!

AS093 Ask Sister – Special Edition on Saints, holiness, and joy with guests Sister Sandra Schneiders and Father James Martin
Podcast Recorded:

AS093 Ask Sister podcast published on November 24, 2011. Sponsored by ministry. This is a Special Edition on Saints, holiness, and joy. The nuns are joined by Catholic superstars Sister Sandra Schneiders, IHM, and Father James Martin, SJ.