AS222 Ask Sister - theology as vocation, Hell heresies, heavenly bribes, freedom to choose or reject God
Podcast Recorded:

Topics: Has Hell changed, heavenly bribes to encourage faith, uniting our suffering with Christ's. Hosts: Sr. Maxine, IHM, and Sr. Shannon, OSF.  

Is my pastor wrong that Hell does not have fire?
Podcast Recorded:

In this Random Nun Clip, a listener worries that her pastor is preaching Hell heresy. Hear the full Ask Sister episode AS222 at Hosts: Sister Maxine and Sister Shannon.

Walking with saints on the journey of Lent

Blog Published:

Earlier this week, I realized that many of my walking companions are centuries old. That’s when I also realized my daily walks are affecting the way I read Scripture.

Spiritual nourishment
Podcast Recorded:

Sister Lynn Marie and Sister Madeline of the Benedictines of Cullman, Alabama, describe how prayer saturates their day -- and their souls.

people praying together

Sharing Incarnation

Blog Published:

By incarnating, Jesus raised the dignity and preciousness of our own human form. He became enfleshed to share fully our human experience of being in a body.