The Lenten journey continues to surprise me. Earlier this week, I realized that many of my walking companions are centuries old. That’s when I also realized my daily walks are affecting the way I read Scripture.
Back in the day, walking was a huge form of transportation. Moses and the people, the prophets, Jesus and his parents and relatives, the apostles, the biblical crowds – they all walked a lot.
They walked to neighboring cities and to different countries. They walked to attend parties and weddings, to get water from the well, to escape oppression, to go to temple.
No wonder that scripture is filled with references to walking. Today’s reading has one: “Thus says God: Listen to my voice; then I will be your God and you shall be my people. Walk exactly in the way I command you, so that you may prosper” (Jeremiah 7:23).
The Communion of Saints is always with us, but my daily walks have made me more conscious of them.
Walking has also made me more aware of the “saints next door,” in the words of Pope Francis. These are the walking saints who I meet along the way – the mom with her two kids in the stroller, the guy with the Golden Retriever, two friends talking and laughing, people on the way to their gate at the airport.
Walking brings me face-to-face with the holiness of everyday life. So today, even though there’s a chance of rain in the forecast, I’m going to lace up my shoes and go out walking with saints.
Who are the saints that you're walking with this Lent? I'd love to hear about them! Please write in the Comment box below.
P.S. I even met up with some saintly Spring Peepers on my walks this week—I’m including a video so you can hear the choir.
Click here to read Sister Maxine's next adventure on her Lenten journey
To read Sister Maxine's first adventure on her Lenten journey, click here