AS191 Ask Sister - Advent glowsaries light up Ohio, praying to a distant God, grinch-fearing Grandma
A new trend aglow in Ohio--the glowsary. Can prayer make God more distant vs. closer? Grandma worries that grandkids have no Christ in Christmas.
AS188 Ask Sister - Prayer Olympics, "Glory Be," wedding gift woes, gifts for godchild, Spiritual Directors
AS188 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on August 10, 2016. Sponsored by ministry.
Why does the Glory Be prayer say "world without end" when the bible says the world WILL end?
In this Random Nun Clip, a listener wonders if the Glory Be prayer is at odds with the bible. Hear the full Ask Sister podcast episode AS188 at
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AS187 Ask Sister - speaking in tongues, hipster church music, discontent as a call from God
AS187 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on July 13, 2016. Sponsored by ministry.
What does it mean to "speak in tongues"?
In this Random Nun Clip, a listener asks how you'd know if you're speaking in tongues. Hear the full Ask Sister podcast at AS187.