Hope for the Future of Religious Life

Blog Published: October 2, 2017
By Sister Maxine

A Nun's Life had the privilege to sit down with Sister Michelle Lesher, SSJ, and talk with her about her hopes for the future of religious life.

A Nun's Life: How do you see the future of religious life?

Sister Michelle: As I look forward, I feel really excited, because I know that we’re in a place of moving toward something that’s new and something that’s different. I don’t think that we really see yet exactly what that's going to mean. But what I see are a lot of people who are committed to living the gospel, to being about relationship, to being joyful witnesses of God at work in the world. That really energizes me to stay faithful and to try to live wholeheartedly into whatever that future is going to be. So in a way, I know less about religious life than I thought I knew earlier on … and that’s very exciting to me! I feel drawn to give myself wholly into this picture and see what happens.

Learn more about Sister Michelle's community by visiting the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia.

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