If God calls you to a particular vocation and you don’t respond … is that the end of the story? The Nuns discuss!
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Sister Rejane
This Random Nun Clip is brought to you by A Nun's Life Ministry.
Sister Maxine
We're on a Motherhouse Road Trip at the US province of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth in Des Plaines, Illinois. Joining us are Sister Michele Fisher and Sister Michael Marie Franzak.
Sister Julie
Here's the thing. I mean, we've heard this a lot -- folks wondering, if God calls you and you feel this nudging, is it possible to miss God's call? Can you go through your life and feel a nudging, and then you end up doing something else? Is it possible to miss God's call?
Sister Michele
It is possible, I think, but if we really believe that it's not just a one-time call -- God is constantly calling us, every day, every minute of the day. There's never a time when God isn't calling us, when God isn't inviting us. And so sometimes we do miss it. But God doesn't stop if we miss that particular call. God will call again and again and again. Sometimes we resist it, sometimes we flat out run away from it. And God says, You know what, that's okay. God is like a giant GPS. You know, when you go the wrong way, that patient little GPS says "Recalculating!" You know, God's the same way with us that even when we go in a direction that might not have been the direction God dreamed for us, it's okay, because he'll recalculate, and he'll call where we are right now. And so paying attention to the little things of our life, you know, like Sister Michael Marie was saying, that ordinary stuff -- that's what God's call is. And so over and over again, God will call. We talk about our head and our heart, but God works in our instinct. And when you get an instinct, when you get a feeling inside that, gee, I should do this, do it. Do it! Because there's the call. And so many times we don't pay attention to that. You know, we're waiting for something bigger and it's that ordinary, little calling, even something as simple as just smiling at someone or waiting to talk to someone. That's where the call is. And it's one little call after another.
Sister Rejane
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This transcript has been lightly edited for readability.