How can you tell if it's God who's calling you to a vocation?
Podcast Recorded:

In this Random Nun Clip, a student asks how to know if God is calling you to a vocation or if it's just an idea you yourself have. Hear the full Ask Sister podcast AS213 at Sister Maxine with guests: Sister Mary Jackson and Sister Guerline Joseph of the Salesian Sisters.

Sister Mary Fleig, OCD

"I frequently find myself wondering why God called me to this life and what I have to offer."

Sister Lucy Slinger, FSPA

Choosing to become an FSPA in mid-life was not an easy change, but it has brought me peace that surpasses all understanding. As a member of this community, I am challenged to authentically be all that I can be.

Discernment starts with a question

Blog Published:

First you panic, then you pray. Sister Belinda writes about that moment when she realized God was calling her to become a nun.

Sister Lisa Perkowski, IHM

I was quietly discerning becoming a sister, thinking I had to know for sure whether I wanted to be a sister before approaching the vocation director.