Feast of Saint John of the Cross

Blog Published:

Happy feast of Saint John of the Cross! Here’s a bit of John’s story from Saints and Feast Days: A Resource and Activity Book by The Sisters of Notre Dame of Chardon, Ohio.

AS121 Ask Sister – too soon to talk vocation, clairvoyant scripture, biggest challenges that nuns face, and more!

Podcast Recorded:

AS121 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on October 17, 2012. Sponsored by aNunsLife.org ministry. Topics include: too soon to talk vocation, clairvoyant scripture, biggest challenges that nuns face, transformation, and more!

A Sister Candidate on being a Mom and a Nun

Blog Published:

A Nun’s Life Ministry welcomes guest blogger Diane Brown, who writes about her experience of discerning and of being a candidate with the IHM Sisters of Monroe, Michigan. Be sure to read her other blog posts and join the conversation.

AS118 Ask Sister – Catholic but not Christian?, encountering Jesus in works of fiction, child-bearing and women’s salvation

Podcast Recorded:

AS118 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on September 5, 2012. Sponsored by aNunsLife.org ministry. Topics include: Catholic but not Christian?, encountering Jesus in works of fiction, child-bearing and women’s salvation.

AS117 Ask Sister – Olympic spirituality, dad dismayed by daughter’s church choice, obtaining self control, giving up stuff in religious life, chit chat in church

Podcast Recorded:

AS117 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on August 15, 2012. Sponsored by aNunsLife.org ministry. Topics include: Olympic spirituality, dad dismayed by daughter’s church choice, obtaining self control, giving up stuff in religious life, chit chat in church.