Lessons from a hero, Carrie Fisher

Blog Published:

Through her writings, I found the true strength of Carrie Fisher, a royalty that far exceeded Princess Leia's own formidable presence.

Top 10 LOL Podcasts

Blog Published:

Is it true that LOLs are good for the soul? Here at A Nun’s Life, we think so! This is our 10th year of online ministry, so we’re celebrating lots of different “10s” throughout the year.

Imagination and Snow Creatures

Blog Published:

I had been doing various tasks around the convent and happened to look out from the dining room. Lo and behold this creature greeted me.

How to Say YES to a Vocation courtesy of Mary and Star Wars

Blog Published:

Vocation inspiration comes from some of the most marvel-filled and strangest places! Follow along with Mary, the Mother of God, and some memorable moments from the classic Star Wars trilogy for guidance on how you can say YES to God!

AS137 Ask Sister - lackluster lectors, Ms. Holy Spirit

Podcast Recorded:

AS137 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on April 24, 2013.