Trusting in an Empty Bag

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You're invited on a journey, asked to empty your travel bag, and encouraged to trust that your ruffled companion is enough.

Lenten Blog: Trusting in an Empty Bag

1st Week ~ FASTING

The purpose and act of fasting is our focus for this first week. We engage in fasting during Lent as a sign of sacrifice, self-discipline, and a way of reverencing the sacrifice of Jesus’s journey into the desert for 40 days.

1st Week of Lent ~ FASTING

Holy Week ~ PRESENCE

How fickle can humanity be?! We go from courageously promising our friendship to fearfully running away at Jesus' most critical time.

Holy Week - Presence

3rd Week ~ CLEANSING

Catholic Sisters Week shines a light on the spirituality, mission, and community building of women religious.

3rd Week of Lent - Cleansing

2nd Week ~ PRAYER

Listening is a hallmark of prayer. There are so many different ways to engage in prayer, but...

2nd Week of Lent - Praying