Signs and wonders on the Lenten journey

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I found myself in new terrain this week, not sure if my Lenten daily walks were going to happen.

Walking with saints on the journey of Lent

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Earlier this week, I realized that many of my walking companions are centuries old. That’s when I also realized my daily walks are affecting the way I read Scripture.

Walking the Lenten Journey

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I've walked every day of Lent, as planned. But to my surprise, the walks have taken me places I didn’t expect. 

Engaging the Lenten Journey

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Have you given much thought to your Lenten practice this year? What are you going to do differently, what are you giving up, and how are you making a different space for God in your daily life?

Change of seasons--change of heart!

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The power to change your life lies within you--so how can you make your list of resolutions into a list of thanksgiving?