AS172 Ask Sister - does being faithful produce a Return on Faith Investment, atheist attracted to religious life, spiritual momentum in Ordinary Time
Podcast Recorded:

AS172 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on May 27, 2015. Sponsored by Ministry. 

Holy Week Playlist

Blog Published:

As we continue with anticipation towards Easter, we invite you to pray through Holy Week using these songs.

Am I being a spiritual glutton?
Podcast Recorded:

Can you speed up the process of drawing closer to God? The Nuns discuss!

man in deep prayer

AS168 Ask Sister - Lent update, spiritual gluttony, super-celibate supermodels
Podcast Recorded:

AS168 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on March 18, 2015. 

Lent 2015

Blog Published:

It's popular to talk about what we're doing for Lent -- we commiserate with our friends who have given up chocolate or coffee, we admire our friends who choose daily Mass or extra prayer time -- but we don't often delve deeper into the whys behind our Lenten practices.