Is there a reason why scriptures at Mass are read without much inflection?
Podcast Recorded:

In this Random Nun Clip, a listener asks why, with so much joy in scripture, that there are lackluster lectors at Mass.. Hear the full Ask Sister podcast at AS137.

Does Heaven get boring?
Podcast Recorded:

In this Random Nun Clip, a mom's young son wants to know if Heaven gets boring because it's perfect. Hear the full Ask Sister podcast at AS136 at

Has Hell lost its sizzle?
Podcast Recorded:

This Random Nun Clip is from Ask Sister podcast episode 136. Hear the full podcast at AS136.


IGF025 In Good Faith with Sister Judy Zielinski, OSF
Podcast Recorded:

IGF025 In Good Faith with Sister Judy Zielinski, OSF, recorded live on March 27, 2013. Produced by Ministry. Topics include: documentary film We Shall Not Be Moved, vocation as sister and storyteller, bringing the Gospel to life.  

The Prodigal Child: A Lesson on God's Unfairness?

Blog Published:

The story of the prodigal child (Luke 15:17-24), which was proclaimed at liturgy earlier this Lent, is perhaps one of the most beloved parables regarding repentance and forgiveness.  The richness of the teaching within grows as one takes the time to peel back the layers.