IGF005 In Good Faith with Jeff Young, the Catholic Foodie

Podcast Recorded:

IGF005 In Good Faith with the Catholic Foodie, Jeff Young, recorded live on January 6, 2011. Produced by aNunsLife.org ministry. Our hosts talk with Jeff about recipes, essential items in the kitchen, the connection between food and the Sacred, and more.

IGF001 In Good Faith with Sister Sandra Schneiders

Podcast Recorded:

IGF001 In Good Faith with guest Sister Sandra Schneiders recorded live on September 2, 2010. Produced by aNunsLife.org ministry. Our hosts talk with Sister Sandra about vocation, discernment, the Gospel of John, biblical spirituality, and religious life.

The Meaning of Mission Today

Blog Published:

The IHM Community has been meeting since yesterday and we’ve been privileged to have with us Father Anthony Gittins, CSSp, a member of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans).

AS021 Ask Sister – telling family and friends, age limits, traveling nuns

Podcast Recorded:

AS021 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on April 16, 2010. Sponsored by aNunsLife.org ministry. Topics include: telling family and friends, age limit, traveling nuns, yoga for Catholics, the Beatitudes, hunger for community, praying for strangers and more!

What is the point of “external” religious rituals if God is within us?

Blog Published:

Why do most Christian churches place such a heavy emphasis on following particular outer doctrines and creeds – often accompanied by implicit or explicit warnings of damnation ...