Should I stay or should I go?
Podcast Recorded:

A listener isn’t sure if his relationship with his girlfriend is all it’s cracked up to be. The Nuns discuss.

sad man holds torn paper heart

Walking with St. Scholastica
Podcast Recorded:

Why does Sister Julie have such a bond with St. Scholastica? The Nuns discuss!

St. Scholastica

Who's the boss?
Podcast Recorded:

Where exactly do women religious fall in to the church hierarchy? The Nuns discuss!


What's the up-side of discernment?
Podcast Recorded:

Discernment can be very challenging -- but it isn't only hard work. The Nuns discuss the very big up-sides of the discernment process.

woman looks out at sunset

Can a movie inspire a vocation?
Podcast Recorded:

Enthralled by movies like "The Trouble with Angels," a listener who's turned off by dogma wonders how to pursue a vocation to religious life.

The Trouble with Angels