I laughed, I cried, I watched it again! The video “Sisters of Mercy: Going West on the Journey”

Blog Published:

I just watched the video “Sisters of Mercy: Going West on the Journey,” about the Sisters of Mercy coming to the Americas in the 1800s. In a word, WOW!

IGF058 In Good Faith with Sister Barb Giehl - Sister of Mercy, Mother, Grandmother

Podcast Recorded:

Sister Barb Giehl is a Sister of Mercy of the Americas -- and a mother and grandmother! You don't want to miss her amazing journey to religious life.

Sister Barb Giehl

NUNDAY with Sister Rosemary Connelly, RSM

Blog Published:

Shining a light on Rosemary Connelly, RSM, Executive Director of Misericordia.

Sister Janet Mead — a REAL rocker nun

Blog Published:

Sister Janet Mead, RSM, is one of the best known rocker nuns! Her recording of a rock version of The Lord’s Prayer reached #3 on the Australian Singles Chart and #4 on the Billboard Hot 100.

Sister Janet Mead, RSM, is known for her pop-rock recording of the Our Father.

Sister Meg Eckart, RSM

Meg took time to actively discern God's call to religious life.  Through an international volunteer program, she encountered the Sisters of Mercy and entered the community in Guyana, South America.

Sister Meg Eckardt