Beyond The Habit - Episode 1: 300 Years of Sister History

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Tough-as-nails, women religious have established some of the first schools and most extensive healthcare systems in the United States.

Beyond The Habit - Episode 1: 300 Years of Sister History

AS222 Ask Sister - theology as vocation, Hell heresies, heavenly bribes, freedom to choose or reject God
Podcast Recorded:

Topics: Has Hell changed, heavenly bribes to encourage faith, uniting our suffering with Christ's. Hosts: Sr. Maxine, IHM, and Sr. Shannon, OSF.  

What does it mean to unite our suffering with Christ’s?
Podcast Recorded:

In this Random Nun Clip, we talk about how Christ helps people in times of suffering. Hear the full Ask Sister episode AS222 at Hosts: Sister Maxine and Sister Shannon Schrein, OSF.

AS219 Ask Sister - Motherhouse Road Trip with the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville, Kentucky
Podcast Recorded:

Sister Maxine with guests Sisters Jean Ann Zappa and Janet Marie Peterworth of the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville. Students from Sacred Heart Academy join us for podcast! Topics: finding God, advice from foundress Angela Merici, what everyone should know about nuns, joy and vocation. 

Exile or Inheritance?

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Life's opportunities teach us to be patient and open to the life that's unfolding before us.