AS222 Ask Sister - theology as vocation, Hell heresies, heavenly bribes, freedom to choose or reject God
Topics: Has Hell changed, heavenly bribes to encourage faith, uniting our suffering with Christ's. Hosts: Sr. Maxine, IHM, and Sr. Shannon, OSF.
What does it mean to unite our suffering with Christ’s?
In this Random Nun Clip, we talk about how Christ helps people in times of suffering. Hear the full Ask Sister episode AS222 at Hosts: Sister Maxine and Sister Shannon Schrein, OSF.
AS219 Ask Sister - Motherhouse Road Trip with the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville, Kentucky
Sister Maxine with guests Sisters Jean Ann Zappa and Janet Marie Peterworth of the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville. Students from Sacred Heart Academy join us for podcast! Topics: finding God, advice from foundress Angela Merici, what everyone should know about nuns, joy and vocation.