What’s in Your Spiritual Tool Chest?

Blog Published:

We all have one at home. It’s the place you go to find that “something” that will “work” to do whatever job you are doing and need to fix. It may be the junk drawer, tackle box, first-aid kit, art supply box, tool belt, purse, wallet, backpack, tool box, sewing kit, or the top drawer on the right.

AS053 Ask Sister – angels, exchanging gifts, finding meaning in life, letting go of expectations and control, centering prayer

Podcast Recorded:

AS053 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on December 17, 2010. Sponsored by aNunsLife.org ministry. Topics include: angels, nuns exchanging gifts, finding meaning in life, letting go of expectations and control, centering prayer ideas and tips, and more!

IGF004 In Good Faith with Father James Martin, SJ

Podcast Recorded:

IGF004 In Good Faith with Father James Martin, SJ, recorded live on December 2, 2010. Produced by aNunsLife.org ministry. Our hosts talk with Father Jim about his vocation and life of prayer, faith in real life, Ignatian spirituality, the Examen and more.

No Time for Prayer

Blog Published:

We know that prayer is integral to our life and faith. But sometimes we just don’t seem to have the time for it. Take today for example. I woke up thinking about all the things I have to do today including a couple past-due deadlines, an email inbox that is overflowing, a meet to prepare for and participate in, errands, and a podcast.

AS006 Ask Sister Podcast

Podcast Recorded:

Ask Sister Podcast is a production of A Nun's Life Ministry. Episode 006 was aired December 4, 2009. Questions convered were what motivates a person to become a nun, how nuns balance community life and having a job, and the Church's stance on Near-death experiences.