AS106 Ask Sister – unresponsive vocations director, disappearing nuns, body language at Mass, what nuns study in the novitiate
Podcast Recorded:

AS106 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on March 21, 2012. Sponsored by ministry. Topics include: unresponsive vocation directors, disappearing nuns, is religious life dying?, body language at Mass, what nuns study in the novitiate, and more!

AS081 Ask Sister – online ordination, life of prayer, ups and downs of entering religious life, married and called to religious life,The Sound of Music
Podcast Recorded:

AS081 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on August 25, 2011. Sponsored by ministry. Topics include: online ordination, life of prayer, ups and downs of entering religious life, married and called to religious life, and The Sound of Music.

AS057 Ask Sister – legit baptisms, stuff and the vow of poverty, novitiate reception ceremonies, online faith – is it enough?
Podcast Recorded:

AS057 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on January 21, 2011. Sponsored by ministry. Topics include: legit baptisms, stuff and the vow of poverty, novitiate reception ceremonies, looking for faith on the Internet, commitment to God, and more!

IGF003 In Good Faith with Sister Bernie Lynch, MM
Podcast Recorded:

IGF003 In Good Faith with Sister Bernie Lynch, MM, recorded live on November 5, 2010. Produced by ministry. Our hosts talk with the Maryknoll missioner about her life, the book Bernie Becomes a Nun, and being a missioner in everyday life.

AS030 Ask Sister – cultivating patience, personal opinion v. official church stance, right- and left-brain discernment, entering novitiate
Podcast Recorded:

AS030 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on June 18, 2010. Sponsored by ministry. Topics include: cultivating patience, personal opinion v. official church stance, right- and left-brain discernment, entering novitiate, and more!